
Friday, November 30, 2007

L-intervista mal-MOM

Illum iltqajna ma' Jonathan Sammut, man of the match tal-loghba AC Trampi vs Drunkurds.

Kulhadd innota li din is-sena il-prestazzjonijiet tieghek tjiebu mhux ftit u nfatti qed tigi impjegat dejjem mill-coach waqt il-loghob. Biss din hi l-hames sena tieghek mat-Trampi. X'ghamilt differenti dis-sena li fis-snin l-ohra m'ghamiltx biex qed tilghab dan il-livell?

Din is-sena nhossni kuntent li ninsab tajjeb fizikament minhabba li fl-ahhar staguni kont dejjem qed inkarkar b'injury fl-ghaksa li ghalkemm kont nisforzaha u nilghab xorta ma kenitx tippermetili li nkun komdu fil-grawnd.  Apparti hekk mhux se nichad il-fatt li din is-sena qed naghti hafna aktar f'effort lejn it-tim.  Fil-bidu tal-istagun thajjart nibda xi haga gdida mhux FUTSAL ghax ma ridtx naghmel season shih fuq il-bank.  Pero imbaghad hassejt li t-tim qieghed verament ghal qalbi u ddecidejt li niggieled mieghi nnifsi biex naghmel tajjeb dak li naf naghmel u ma naqtax qalbi.  Bhal f'kollox aktar ma taghti aktar tircievi u jidher li l-effort tieghi qed jigi aprezzat.  Ta dan jien kuntent hafna u zgur li se nkompli fuq dak li ghamilt sissa.

Iffissajt xi 'targets' personali ghal din l-istagun?
It-target li kelli fil-bidu tal-istagun kien li nilghab aktar mis-sena l-ohra.  U fiz-zewg loghbiet li laghbt dan it-target nahseb ilhaqtu.  Issa t-target personali tieghi huwa li nzomm post regolari mal-first team tat-Trampi, u li nkun konsistenti fil-loghob.
Sa fejn tahseb li jista jasal it-team tat-Trampi dis-sena fil-klassifika?

Kull loghba ghanda l-istorja taghha u rizultat specjlament fil-FUTSAL jaf jinqaleb fi kwistjoni ta' sekondi.  Ghalhekk ma trid teskludi xejn.  Bit-team li tellajna din is=sena ghandna nzommu postna fit-Third Division u forsi x-xorti tidhqilna ftit ukoll u ngibu xi punti mhux mistennija.  L-importanti li nahdmu bhala team u ma naqtghux qalbna (u nilghabu dejjem viciiiiiiin...:P)

Next Training Session

Training: Saturday, December 1 at 13:00 - Rabat. Please confirm your
presence with Kenneth Fiteni.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

AC Trampi vs Drunkards

Next match
AC Trampi vs Drunkards
Monday | 26.11.2007

This must be the game to gain our first points. Forza Trampi!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

UEFA European Futsal Championship will have live coverage of every ball kicked and free highlights from all 16 games in the UEFA European Futsal Championship which runs from 16-25 November in the Porto region.

Holders Spain, hosts Portugal, past winners Russia and Italy plus hopefuls Ukraine, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Romania will be competing for the title in a sport which promises fast action and plenty of goals. Alongside extensive television coverage of the competition provided by Eurosport and other UEFA broadcast partners, will be streaming the matches online for the first time.

Live coverage
Live streaming will be available on a free-to-view basis in some territories, including the United States, Canada, Central and South America (Brazil excepted) and Asia, while elsewhere live coverage will be available on a pay-per-view basis. Full subscribers to's premium video service ( will also be able to access extensive delayed coverage including in-match event clips, full match re-runs and ten-minute highlights from every game.

Free video
From midnight CET on each matchday, non-subscribers will be able to access two-minute highlights from every game, a special feature on the Man of the Match presented by Carlsberg in each fixture, daily features including player profiles, interviews and a guide to futsal plus the regular Friday vodcast, which will have features from Porto.

© 1998-2007. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

AC Trampi's old website

Take a glimpse of the AC Trampi website that accompanied the team into the web during 2005
The site, hosted by ex player Ruben Mamo, featured a detailed description of players, a weekly picture gallery and a popular guestbook!

Friday, November 09, 2007

REMINDER: next match vs Hacienda Bar

Wednesday 141107
AC Trampi vs Hacienda Bar

(ex) Babylonia launch their 2007/8 season in style

Pentagon Properties (Babylonia) Futsal Club, set up in 2001, is this season participating in the MFA Second Division Futsal league. Although set up earlier, this club formerly called Babylonia did not start participating in the national Futsal leagues until season 2004/5.
Relations with their main sponsor started in the spring of 2006 and since then the club has changed its name. The committee members are Mr.Stephen Briffa as President; Mr. James Aquilina (team founder) as Secretary; and Mr. Malcolm Bondin as Treasurer. Mr. Pierre Galea is the club's Honorary President.
The management and organization of this Futsal club has definitely left a good impression. During the spring of 2006, the club gained it most useful asset when Mr. Kevin Mifsud joined as coach. Since the start of this relationship between Mr. Kevin Mifsud and the committee there has been a shared common vision for this club. With the coach's experience and the assistance of the committee members, a friendly ambiance has been created amongst all those involved in this club. 
This club has also three secondary sponsors to whom it is very grateful for their support: MZ Investments; Samantha's Stationery and Gift Shop,Qormi; and Gutenberg Press.
During the past summer, Pentagon Properties (Babylonia) Futsal Club participated in the Indoor Futsal Summer League at Corradino and made it to the final. The team performed very well and the new players signed in during the summer quickly felt part of the club. On October 12, 2007,the club's committee invited all those involved: players, family and sponsors to the official presentation of the team 2007/8. During a wine and pizza party held at Extra Time at Ta' Qali, the players were presented with training kits, away kits and sports bags.
Note to AC Trampi players and fans: Pentagon Properties FC is the the team which our former striker Steve Falzon has joined last year.

New sponsor for Zurrieq FC Futsal

E-motion Signworks is the new sponsor of Zurrieq FC Futsal.

The presentation was held on Friday at the Sergeant Mess at the Corradino Pavilion where club president Frankie Sammut was presented with the new Legea kit by Alison Debono, on behalf of Sports Experience.
E-motion Signworks director Wesley Davies wished Zurrieq FC Futsal success for the coming season.
All the team's players were present, including new signings Mark Farrugia (goalkeeper), Ian Attard, Noel Sciberras and coach George Magri. Zurrieq FC Futsal will be working hard this season in order to achieve their main objective which is being promotion to Division 1. The club's official website is

visit for more.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007




Dalghodu hadna l-kummenti tal-kowc u ta' xi players fuq il-loghba kontra River Plate;


Adrian Zahra ; "Kienet loghba li ma stennejtx li gejja hekk. Konna aktar preparati imma l-emozzjoni ghamlet wisq taghha. Irridu nitghalmu minnha u nimpruvjaw ghal loghba li jmiss"


Justin Psaila ; "Personalment iddizapuntat bil-prestazzjoni personali tieghi. Ghamilt loghba shiha nigri l'hemm u l'hawn hafna drabi fil-vojt u xuttijiet fil-lasta kelli ftit u kont dejjem sfurtunat ghax ix-xuttijiet marruli darbtejn minnom max-xibka esterna. Sofferjt anka l-fizicita tal-plejers avversarji. Dan ifisser li t-training irrid niehdu iktar bis-serjeta, xejn iktar, ghax naf li kapaci naghti hafna iktar minn hekk. Gietna tajba li l-loghba l-ohra spiccat dro u b'hekk punt biss hemm jissepara lilna miz-zewg timijiet l-ohra ta' fuqna. Kuragg Trampi!"


Kenneth Fiteni ; "Kienet loghba stramba fejn il-players kienu aktar ecitati milli koncentrati. B' dan kollu m' ghandniex naqtaw qalbna, anzi nuzawha bhala mbuttatura ghal kumplament tal-league halli johrog il-vera karattru qalbieni tat-team. Forza Trampi"

Monday, November 05, 2007


AC Trampi jibdew l-istagun fuq nota dizappuntanti.
Tahlita ta' nuqqas ta' koncentrazzjoni, nuqqas ta' kattiverja agonistika u xi ftit emozzjoni kienu determinanti biex Trampi tilfu l-ewwel loghba ta' l-stagun kontra River Plate bl-skor ta' 5-1. Fil-verita l-skor seta' jkun ikbar li kieku l-goaler ta' Trampi, Wayne Dimech, m' ghamilx numru kbir ta' saves specjalment fit-tieni taqsima.
Il-loghba tista tghid li ntilfet fl-ewwel taqsima ghal Trampi fejn it-tim deher mifxul u minghajr ideat. Kienu wisq id-drabi li l-attakkanti avversarji thallew wehidhom u setaw jikkonkludu lejn il-lasti minghajr ebda tfixkil. Hawnhekk hareg car li t-tim ma kienx qed jahdem bhala haga wahda, fejn l-attakk kien qieghed isir biss mill-attakkanti u d-difiza mid-difensuri biss. Apparti minn hekk kien hemm nuqqas ta' ideat fl-attakk fejn in-numru ta' xuttijiet fil-lasti avversarji tul il-loghba kollha tista tghoddhom fuq id wahda. Il-goal gie b' kumbinazzjoni b' xutt ta' Formosa dirett minn kick-in li hasad lil goaler avversarju. 
Zgur li kienu bidu dizappuntanti ghall-stagun u daqqa fil-moral tat-team, izda dan ghandu jservi ta' incentiv ghal Trampi sabiex jaghmlu l-almu taghhom ghal-loghbiet li gejjin.
by Chris

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Iktar ma jghaddi l-hin iktar qed tikber l-istennija ghal-ewwel loghba tal-stagun ta' AC Trampi. Dalghodu hadna l-kummenti ta' tlett players li ghada ser ikunu qed jaghmlu d-debutt taghhom bil-flokk ta' Trampi, saqsejnihom kif qed ihossuhom;

Mark Spiteri, "Naqra ecitat, nipprova nimmagina lir-river plate qieghed bhalissa ! u nkwetat ghax naqra mugugh. Il-bqija relax"

Wayne Dimech, "Looking foward hafna, ghax wara nuqqas ta' xi snin mil-football kompetitiv, issa ser niehu cans iehor. Fiducjuz hafna li mmorru tajjeb."

Patrick Bonnici, "First of all it's a long time since I have played with MFA and in a competition league. I think my last MFA appearance was with Zebbug Rangers under 19 against Mosta. So I am really looking forward for tomorrow's match to have the same adrenaline that I used to have at that time. Another important point for me is to measure and to see the improvement that all the team in my opinion has made.

Hehehe although a lot of the squad see me as a dictator I do this type of training for the improvement of the team. In my opinion all players have benefited from this type of training.

Tomorrow for me it's not that important if I will play or not, that's not my decision. But whatever it will be I am happy that I found a team to accept me as I am and most of all I found real Friends. Thanks guys for everything.

Another important thing is that tomorrow, who will not play does not feel offended or what so ever but try your best to improve so next match you will be in the Trampi front line. Remember as we act as a team we will always win, TEAM WORK WINS. Good luck for tomorrow people.

by Chris