
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Significant changes to the Laws of Futsal

The Futsal Laws of the Game have recently been revised leading to major changes in the way the game will be played from now on.

The three important changes affect Law 7 – the duration of the match, Law 12 – fouls and misconduct and Law 16 – the goal clearance.

The first of these amendments, to Law 7, sees a period of play ending only when a goalbound shot has reached its destination or following the outcome of a penalty kick, a second penalty mark kick or a direct free kick. This is signified by the referee's whistle,  as is the case in Beach Soccer.

The changes to Laws 12 and 16 respectively affect goalkeepers. An indirect free-kick will now be awarded if, after playing the ball, a goalkeeper touches the ball again in his own half of the pitch after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate without an opponent playing or touching it. The position of the free-kick will be determined from where the infringement took place.

Previously, a goalkeeper could play in a 'flying' position and could touch the ball again if the ball had crossed the halfway line. This is no longer possible; keepers can only play the ball once in their own half, for less than four seconds, and can only touch it again if it has been touched by an opponent.

This is key to avoiding defensive tactics where the 'fifth' player – i.e. the goalkeeper  was constantly touching the ball in their own half. Now, if a team wishes to play with a flying goalkeeper in order to avoid losing a game, the goalkeeper has to cross the halfway line.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mid-Djarju tal-Captain ta' Trampi (23)

Trampi ikomplu jippreparaw ghal stagun iehor

Iz-zmien ghaddej gmielu u ghalhekk issa wasalna fl-istadju fejn nilghabu loghob ta hbiberija ma' tims ohra biex naraw il-progressi li ghamilna u fejn irridu intejbu. Huwa stadju importanti hafna fejn il-kowcis Renzo u Duncan jistghu jibdew jaraw il-frott tax-xoghol taghhom fit-tahrig f'dawn l-ahhar xahrejn.

Tajjeb nghidu li, b'sorpriza kbira ghall-plejers kollha u grazzi ghal-kowcis, diga ghamilna tlett loghbiet ma' zewg tims rinomati fil-Futsal f'Malta. Dawn huma Pentagon Properties BFC li jilghabu fl-ghola divizjoni tal-lig f'Malta u, ifthu widnejkom, ic-champions ta' Malta ta l-istagun li ghadda ZC Excess Futsal Club!!! Ovvjament hemm qabza kbira fil-livell; biss biss ahna tim tat-tielet divizjoni! Pero Trampi m'ghadniex l-istess ta ftit snin ilu. Illum grazzi ghal-kowcis, il-loghba taghna qed titjieb bil-qabda. Dan deher car hekk kif kontra dawn iz-zewg tims kelna mumenti tajbin hafna (ghalkemm hadna 3 telfiet). Skor ta 6-3 ma Pentagon mhux ta min jarmih u jekk wiehed jara ftit ir-rizultati ta Pentagon fl-istagun li ghadda wiehed isib li kien hemm hafna drabi fejn Pentagon kellhom rebhiet bi skor akbar.

Mac-champions ZC laghbna darbtejn, bi skor ta 4-0 u 10-2!! Dan huwa tim mimli bi plejers li jilghabu mat-tim nazzjonali kemm ta' Malta u kemm ta' pajjizi ohra!! Kienet esperjenza sabiha hafna li tatna ic-cans immissu ftit il-loghob tal-futsal fl-ghola livell f'Malta. Kien unur kbir ghalina li konna ta xi ghajnuna ghal ZC li kienu qeghdin jippreparaw ghal-preliminari tal-UEFA Futsal Cup, u minn hawn nawgurawlhom success f'din il-kompetizzjoni internazzjonali – ahna warajkom biex tghamlu isem tajjeb ghal-Malta!!

Wara dawk it-tlett loghbiet ta prestigju kbir ghalina ta' Trampi issa wasal iz-zmien ghall-ewwel edizzjoni tal-AC Trampi Quadrangular Futsal Tournament. Bil-loghob isir nhar ta Hamis fit-20:30 u fid-21:30 dejjem fis-Savio College, Dingli. Mistiednin jippartecipaw huma it-tims tat-Todos F. C. u Tal-Werqa SG, iz-zewg tims li ghadhom kif telghu mit-tielet ghat-tieni divizzjoni, flimkien mat-tim tal-Fugazi 5 li ghandhom warajhom storja twila fit-tieni divizjoni. B'loghob ma' tims kwotati aktar minnha ghandu jkun ta stimulu kbir ghal plejers taghna. Dan hu ukoll cans tajjeb ghal-kull plejer fi hdan Trampi biex juri x'inhu kapaci joffri lit-tim u b'hekk ipoggi lill-kowcis f'qaghda skomda ladarba jigu biex jghazlu it-tim ghal-loghob.

Ghalhekk minn hawn nixtieq nitlob lis-sapporters ta' dawn it-tlett tims jinghaqdu ma' taghna ghal dan it-tournament halli ikollna atmosfera tal-genn (hekk kif dejjem jafu jghamlu is-sapporters taghna!) f'ambjent ta hbiberija. Hekk inkomplu inressqu aktar nies lejn din il-loghba sabiha tal-futsal.

Bhal dejjem,


AC Trampi Quadrangular Futsal Tournament

Following a set of prestigious friendly matches against First Division clubs Pentagon Properties and local Futsal Champions ZC Excess, third division club AC Trampi are glad to launch the first edition of the AC Trampi Quadrangular Futsal Tournament this coming Thursday. The tournament will promote a friendly but competitive level and will see 3rd division Fugazi 5 and 2nd division Todos FC and Tal-Werqa SG joining in.

Thursday 19th August
20:30 - 21:30 AC Trampi vs Fugazi 5
21:30 - 22:30 Tal-Werqa SG vs Todos FC

Thurday 26th August
20:30 - 21:30 AC Trampi vs Tal-Werqa SG
21:30 - 22:30 Fugazi 5 vs Todos FC

Thursday 2nd September
20:30 - 21:30 AC Trampi vs Todos FC
21:30 - 22:30 Fugazi 5 vs Tal-Werqa SG

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

UEFA Futsal Cup Preliminary Round Group B

This is the schedule of matches valid for the UEFA Futsal Cup Preliminary Round Group B that will be held at the Cottonera Sports Complex between the Monday 16th and Thursday 19th of August.

The programme of matches are as follows:

Monday 16 August
18:00 FS Ilves Tampere vs KF Tirana
20:00 ZC Excess Futsal vs BGA Futsal

Tuesday 17 August
18:00 BGA Futsal vs FS Ilves Tampere
20:00 ZC Excess Futsal vs KF Tirana

Thursday 19 August
18:00 KF Tirana vs BGA Futsal
20:00 FS Ilves Tampere vs ZC Excess Futsal