Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Mid-Djarju tal-Captain ta' Trampi (1)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Greetings to all
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Trampi Salvage Important Point
Riviera FC took the lead early in the first half and then added another in an almost identical way, some minutes later. The Trampi defence was caught on the off foot with precise through balls leaving the Riviera attackers free with against our keeper. Unfortunately on both occasions they did not miss. The second half saw a more determined Trampi. However we still lacked much needed attempts on goal and time was ticking by. Coach Kerr Cumbo ultimately instructed Wayne Dimech to join the outfield players, switching to a flying keeper system. Be it luck or be it the sheer determination of the team (or a combination of both) the ball crossed the line two times making the score 2-2. This gave us an important point that keeps us in the race for maintaining our place in the third tier of Maltese futsal.
As a side note AC Trampi would like to thank all those who participated in making the 5 year anniversary party a huge success.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Almost Half Way Through
AC Trampi's next match will be against Riviera FC at Zabbar. Let's all build on what we have achieved in the last games. By working hard together we can surely achieve a safe place in the table and keep our place in the third tier of Maltese futsal.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Another Friendly, Another Test
This game will prove to be another good test for Trampi, as Todos FC have been on fine form in their pre season, even though this is going to be their first season in futsal.
On behalf of AC Trampi Committee, Coaching Staff, and Players, we encourage our loyal supporters to attend this game and show their encouragement to the team as they have been doing lately.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Trampi's Second Friendly
AC Trampi throughout this match showed greater composure in defence, better concentration and more ideas in attack. This resulted in a definite step forward for Kerr Cumbo's side.
For AC Trampi the scorers were; Pace (4), Formosa (2), Sammut (1), Fiteni (1), Calleja (1), and Magri (1).
In the following weeks AC Trampi will be playing more friendlies with other Futsal Teams as part of their preperation for the upcoming season. We will keep you posted for more details in the coming days.
Friday, September 12, 2008
UEFA Futsal Championship: Malta to face Greece, Georgia and Albania
The winner of the group will then play in Group 5 of the qualifying round in programme between March 19 and 22. The group includes Serbia, FYR Macedonia and hosts Belgium. Besides the winners, the best two runner-ups in the preliminary round will also reach the qualifying round.
Last year, Malta met both Greece and Albania in the FIFA Futsal World Cup qualifiers, losing both games 1-2. In 2007, Malta met Georgia in the UEFA European Championship, beating them 5-2.
(taken from
Monday, September 08, 2008
Trampi U L-Ewwel Friendly
Nixtieq nghid prosit kbira lil-players kollha ta' kemm qed jahdmu bis-sejreta.
Ejja ha niehdu gost nilghabu season iehor fil-futsal. Mhux kull tim jibda s-sitt sena tieghu fil-league tal-futsal hbieb.
Renzo Kerr Cumbo
Friday, August 29, 2008
Niltaqaw Mal-Players On Trial (4)
Illum se niltaqaw ma' Clifton Calleja
1. It-trial tieghek wasal lejn l-ahhar kif qed thossok ?
Ghalkem qieghed naraha difficli biex nintazel mat-trampi gahx hemm 4 players tajbin, inhosni komdu hafna mat-tim ghaliex kulhadd 'friendly' u ma jidirx li hemm piki u paroli zejjed li jistghu jtelfu mil-ghaqda tat-tim.
2. X' impressjoni hadt tat-tim ta' trampi ?
Tim li jista jimxi jekk kulhadd jaghmel mohhu hemm. Ghalkem hemm xi nuqqasijiet forsi, nahseb li hemm cans kbir li jimxi l quddiem jekk kulhadd jghamel naqa sagrificcju u jigbed habel wiehed.
3. Ghandek cans taghmel riklam ghalik innifsek biex tikkonvinci lill-coach u lit-team izommuk. Ghala ghandu l-coach jaghzlek ?
Jekk ghandu jazilni l-coach jazilni ghax irid hu. Ma nahsibx li ghandu jazilni ghax nghamel riklam tajjeb. Jekk jahseb li nista nghati kontribut lit-tim niehu pjacir jekk jazilni pero jekk jahseb li m'ghandix post mhux ha niehu ghalija, anzi ahjar hekk milli nintghazel u nispicca nghamel hsara lit-tim flok gid.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Niltaqghu Mal-Players On Trial (3)
Illum se niltaqaw ma' Wayne Mizzi
1. It-trial tieghek wasal lejn l-ahhar kif qed thossok ?
Nahseb overall kuntent. Kont battut bhala fitness fil bidu imma training session wara l ohra dejjem qieghed inhossni ahjar. Bdejt nipprova nitghalem I lmuvimenti tal loghoba li irid il coach. Ovvjament ghal ewwel kienu ftit difficli imma illum qieghed ihossni iktar komdu naplikahom.
2. X' impressjoni hadt tat-tim ta' trampi ?
L-ewwel impressjoni hija tajba. It team jidher maqud u hemm is serjeta fit tahrig. Zewg affarijiet fundamentali biex jitlehqu ir-rizultati mixtieqa. Il-players jidhru li huma dedikati ghat team u anki it training session ikunu varjati.
3. Ghandek cans taghmel riklam ghalik innifsek biex tikkonvinci lill-coach u lit-team izommuk. Ghala ghandu l-coach jaghzlek?
L unika riklam huwa il pitch u il commitment li nghati waqt it training session. Min naha tieghi nahseb li sisa dejjem ipruvajt u sakemm nibqa niprova dejjem naghti il 100%.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Niltaqghu Mal-Players On Trial (2)
Illum se niltaqaw ma' David Magri
1. It-trial tieghek wasal lejn l-ahhar kif qed thossok ?
Kuntent hafna li integrajt tajjeb mal-players l-ohra ta Trampi. Kien wasal iz-zmien li nibda naghmel training bis-serjeta, u fi hdan dan il-grupp inhoss li hemm fejn wiehed jimxi il-quddiem u juri il-potenzjal tieghu. Li wiehed ikun lest jigri u jitrejnja f'din is-shana nahseb turi certu determinazzjoni. Overall nahseb sejjer tajjeb.
2. X' impressjoni hadt tat-tim ta' trampi ?
Ghalkemm diga kont naf xi whud, ma sibtx problemi biex nintegra ma l-bqija tat-tim. Jien bniedem li generalment malajr insir naf in-nies u ma tantx noqghod lura, u nahseb il-fatt li kulhadd lest li jghin u jmexxi lil ohrajn iwassal biex wiehed ihossu komdu. Punt ta min isemmi huwa l-fatt li meta wiehed jigi ghas-serjeta, ic-cajt jieqaf hemm u kulhadd jikkoncentra fuq dak li ghandu jsir, li ovjament huwa fattur importanti immens.
3. Ghandek cans taghmel riklam ghalik innifsek biex tikkonvinci lill-coach u lit-team izommuk. Ghala ghandu l-coach jaghzlek ?
Mhux facli biex wiehed ifahhar lilu nnifsu u jaghmel riklam, pero nahseb il-fatt li integrajt tajjeb ma kulhadd (u nahseb dan jista jigi rifless ukoll meta nigu ghal-loghob) jista jghini biex nintaghzel. S'issa nahseb bhala futbol qed nuri li jien kapaci pero naf bic-cert li jien kapaci iktar u dan probabli jibda jidher meta nkun qieghed iktar komdu u nifhem ezatt kif jimxu il-players l-ohra li jkunu fil-ground mieghi. Forsi vantagg li nhoss li ghandi huwa li naf immexxi fejn ikun bzonn u jekk hemm bzonn naghti spinta lil dak li jkun mhux ha noqghod lura.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Niltaqghu Mal-Players On Trial
Illum se niltaqaw ma' Mauro D' Amato
1. It-trial tieghek wasal lejn l-ahhar kif qed thossok ?
Overall nahseb li s' issa sejjer pjuttost tajjeb. Ghalkemm kont daqsxejn deluz bl-ewwel session tieghi hassejt li ghamilt improvement tajjeb u meta tqis li din hija l-ewwel esperjenza tieghi f'tim tal-futsal inhoss li sejjer tajjeb.
2. X' impressjoni hadt tat-tim ta' trampi ?
Impressjoni tajba hafna. Hemm ghaqda kbira bejn il-players u iktar milli team nista nghid li huwa grupp ta' hbieb jew familja. Nixtieq niehu l-opportunita biex nirringrazzja lil kulhadd talli ghentuni nhossni iktar komdu fit-team.
3. Ghandek cans taghmel riklam ghalik innifsek biex tikkonvinci lill-coach u lit-team izommuk. Ghala ghandu l-coach jaghzlek ?
Onestament ma tantx ninqala ghal dawn l-affarijiet hehe. Gieli rajt domandi dan it-tip fuq xi Grande Fratello jew Miss Italia u qatt ma ghogbuni:D Li nista nghid hu li ghalija l-football jirraprezenta haga importanti hafna f'hajti, ilni nilaghbu minn mindu kelli 6 snin u dejjem nipprova naghti l-100% waqt il-loghob u training sessions. Personalment nahseb li kapaci naghti kontribut tajjeb lil Trampi u li nista nkun utli matul l-istagun li gej.
Monday, August 11, 2008
AC Trampi Training Schedule Officialised
Wednesday | 6th | August | 2008 | 21:30 | |
Saturday | 9th | August | 2008 | 18:00 | |
Tuesday | 12th | August | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 16th | August | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Wednesday | 20th | August | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 23rd | August | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Monday | 25th | August | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 30th | August | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Wednesday | 3rd | September | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Monday | 8th | September | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Wednesday | 10th | September | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 13th | September | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Wednesday | 17th | September | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 20th | September | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Wednesday | 24th | September | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 27th | September | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Sunday | 28th | September | 2008 | 10:00 | |
Saturday | 4th | October | 2008 | 10:00 | |
Wednesday | 8th | October | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 11th | October | 2008 | 10:00 | |
Wednesday | 15th | October | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 18th | October | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Wednesday | 22nd | October | 2008 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | 25th | October | 2008 | 16:00 | |
Wednesday | 29th | October | 2008 | 20:30 |
AC Trampi Kick Off Their Season
Visit this blog for more updates
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Renzo Kerr Cumbo for coach
New AC Trampi coach
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Le partite di calcetto tra amici si organizzano sul web
MILANO, 17 luglio 2008 - L'idea è venuta a Ivano Miscali, un programmatore pisano stanco di sudare le proverbiali sette camicie per trovare il decimo amico da coinvolgere in una partita a calcetto. E' così che nasce, il sito internet dove chi è in cerca di compagni per un divertimento a base di sport può trovare quello che cerca. "Ho pensato di sfruttare le mie conoscenze informatiche per fare un semplice sito che fosse liberamente e gratuitamente utilizzabile da chiunque, con un sistema per centralizzare ed automatizzare l'organizzazione della partita".
NON SOLO CALCIO A 5 - Nato per il calcetto, il sistema si è subito allargato a tutti gli altri sport (ad esempio un gruppo di velisti lo sta utilizzando per organizzare delle regate). L'utilizzo del sito è piuttosto semplice: basta registrarsi e diventare membri di un gruppo di giocatori, oppure coinvolgere i propri amici creando il proprio gruppo. Poi si imposta la partita, indicando data, luogo, numero di giocatori e scegliendo se si vogliono avvisare gli amici via email o sms. Agli invitati non resta che collegarsi al sito e dare o meno la propria disponibilità, con lì'organizzatore che può anche decidere di estendere l'invito a tutti gli iscritti nel sito. Così le partite di calcetto in nove sembrano un brutto ricordo lontano.
...taken from
Saturday, July 12, 2008
First committee roles announced
Following a meeting between the newly elected committee members, held yesterday, it has been decided that Christopher Formosa will act as President, Jonathan Sammut as Secretary and Kenneth Fiteni as member.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
AC Trampi first committee announced
With 14 eligible voters, each with two votes to cast, the number of casted votes was 24.
These are the official results:
Chris Formosa - 9
Doreen Saliba - 3
Jonathan Sammut - 5
Kenneth Fiteni - 7
Thus, the members elected are Chris Formosa, Jonathan Sammut and Kenneth Fiteni
The Committee will now be serving for the upcoming two seasons 2008/2009 and 2009/2010.
[2] AC Trampi Committee Voting - The Nominees
Friday, July 04, 2008
AC Trampi Committee Nominations
Monday, June 02, 2008
UEFA Futsal Finals for January 2010
Hungary venues
Appealing to football fans
Spain won the tournament's most recent edition, in Porto in November 2007, and will be represented at both of this year's finals – the FIFA Futsal World Cup in Brazil and then the inaugural UEFA European Under-21 Futsal Tournament, which runs from 8 to 14 December in St Petersburg with hosts Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Slovenia, Italy and Croatia also involved.
...taken from
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Anatomy of a Futsal Player
EYES: Good peripheral vision is essential given the smaller dimensions of the playing area and the fast paced nature of the game. One well placed pass can turn a defensive situation into a scoring opportunity. It is also vital to be able to read opponent's tactics.
EARS: players must often rely on the calls of team mates to be able to exploit any open spaces they may not have seen in the tight conditions. Also, with rolling substitutions, players must be fully conscious of instructions from the sidelines.
TORSO: physical strength is important as the players often have to jockey for position in confined areas. Because sliding challenges are not allowed, it is vital to be able to hold off rival players who might try to muscle their way into possession. Fitness is vital as players are using short, sharp bursts of energy. Those with good stamina will be better able to move quickly from defence to attack and then back again.
LEGS: Speed is essential with players needing to be in almost perpetual motion whenever involved in the action. Short, sharp bursts of pace allow the player to react to swift counterattacks or to get back in position after a foiled foray forward. As with all sports, a proper warm up is essential. Once the play starts, the action barely lets up for the 20 minutes of each half unless the clock is stopped for instances such as time outs, fouls or goals. Because rolling subs are used, players must try to stay fresh even when not involved in the action. A player can go from resting on the sidelines to being on the attack with the goal at his mercy within seconds.
FEET: Footwear that allows for a good grip on the playing surface, as well as providing maximum control over the ball is essential. It is important for players to be able to get rid of the ball quickly. There is no time for players to switch the ball to their preferred foot, so good control is a must. The faster the execution, the more chance of getting a shot away before a defender can close down the space. The ability to perform a special piece of ball skill can assist a player in turning an awkward situation into a bright opening.
...adapted from
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Take it to the Next Level
a few interesting others are also available at the same website.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
UEFA Futsal Cup Final: MFK Viz-Sinara Ekaterinburg declared Champions
MFK Viz-Sinara Ekaterinburg clinched the UEFA Futsal Cup on penalties after a final of intense drama against ElPozo Murcia FS in Moscow.
Zuev delight
Il'Dar Makayev headed Ekaterinburg into a first-half lead but Kike equalised, and in the second 20 minutes it was Murcia who edged ahead on three occasions, only for the Russian side to level each time. Despite some nervous moments at both ends, spot-kicks were required and Ekaterinburg goalkeeper Sergei Zuev saved from Vinicius Elías, Álvaro and, decisively, Kike to win the club the European title at their first attempt.
Wilde close
Murcia, unchanged from Friday's penalty shoot-out victory against hosts and holders MFK Dinamo Moskva, went close within seven seconds when Mauricio's shot was smothered by Zuev. The Spanish side were pouring forward, but Ekaterinburg showed they could counterattack in the 4-1 semi-final defeat of Kairat Almaty and did so again through Dmitri Prudnikov, who chased a Vladislav Shayakhmetov clearance and shot on to the crossbar. At the other end, Wilde's strike hit the outside of the post.
Murcia hit back
Ekaterinburg's ability to turn defence into attack was displayed to deadly effect in the 14th minute. Zuev's throw found Prudnikov on the left and although his shot fell on to the bar, Makayev was on hand to head in from an acute angle despite a desperate Saúl lunge. Raúl would have equalised but for another intervention from the woodwork, although Kike drew Murcia level before the break when sweeping in Wilde's assist.
Shayakhmetov levels
The second half began like the first, with Murcia dominating possession yet unable to relax for a moment. Four minutes in they were in front, Kike's kick-in from the right finding Ciço, who registered from the edge of the box. Within two minutes Ekaterinburg had cancelled out that advantage through Prudnikov, who strode forward to tee up Vladislav Shayakhmetov.
More excitement
Wilde made Zuev work, as did Mauricio with a point-blank turn, but the Murcia pair enjoyed more success when they combined to strike just past the midway point of the half. Maurico chased a ball down the left and set up Wilde for his eighth UEFA Futsal Cup goal this season. Now it was Murcia's turn to defend in depth, as they had done to superb effect against Dinamo, but Konstantin Agapov shot on to the post with little more than four minutes left and then Prudnikov finished off a free-kick move.
Lead short-lived
Only 17 seconds playing time later Mauricio scored, with Pavel Chistopolov rapidly cancelling out his effort. The Russian team so nearly prevented extra time when Alexey Mokhov rattled the crossbar with Juanjo out of position just ten seconds from time, before the woodwork then prevented Kike from hitting the winner in the additional ten minutes. Murcia had won all their previous UEFA Futsal Cup shoot-outs (against Action 21 Charleroi for bronze last year and in Friday's semi-final) but instead of more heroics from goalkeeper Juanjo, Zuev was the hero.
Friday, April 04, 2008
AC Trampi Will Play in Third Division Again
After a largely disappointing season, AC Trampi were lucky on the day of what was probably the most important match of the season - the playoff match against Tension. The latter didn't turn up for the match which meant that AC Trampi avoided relegation and kept their place in next year's third division.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
FUTSAL World Cup in Malta (28 Feb - 02 Mar)
Hi all,
As you might or might not know, I am part of the Malta Futsal (indoor 5 a-side football) national team. Next weekend, we will be playing the FIFA World Cup qualifiers in Malta against Albania, Greece and Slovenia. It would be great if you could come and support us. We are playing at the Corradino Sports Pavilion and entrance is free. There should be a good atmosphere (including the South End Core) and hopefully we can get some good results.
The games are as follows:
Thu 28 Feb @ 6 p.m. : v. Greece
Fri 29 Feb @ 7 p.m. : v. Albania
Sun 2 Mar @ 8 p.m.: v. Slovenia
Hope to see you there and if you think any of your friends might be interested, please forward.
Tim Ellis