
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Friendly, Another Test

Next Wedneday 24th September at 9pm, AC Trampi will continue their preparations ahead of the upcoming season with their third friendly of the season against 4th division outfit Todos FC of our dear friend Paul Falzon.

This game will prove to be another good test for Trampi, as Todos FC have been on fine form in their pre season, even though this is going to be their first season in futsal.

On behalf of AC Trampi Committee, Coaching Staff, and Players, we encourage our loyal supporters to attend this game and show their encouragement to the team as they have been doing lately.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trampi's Second Friendly

Last Monday 15th September AC Trampi played their second friendly of the season aginst 4th division outfit Iz-Zebbugin for the second time in the span of two weeks. After loosing badly 6-3 in the first outing, Trampi produced a much better display this time around winning 10-5.

AC Trampi throughout this match showed greater composure in defence, better concentration and more ideas in attack. This resulted in a definite step forward for Kerr Cumbo's side.

For AC Trampi the scorers were; Pace (4), Formosa (2), Sammut (1), Fiteni (1), Calleja (1), and Magri (1).

In the following weeks AC Trampi will be playing more friendlies with other Futsal Teams as part of their preperation for the upcoming season. We will keep you posted for more details in the coming days.

Friday, September 12, 2008

UEFA Futsal Championship: Malta to face Greece, Georgia and Albania

Malta was drawn in Group C of the 2010 UEFA European Futsal Championship preliminary round to be played between February 14 and 22. Michal Striz's side will be hosting Greece, Georgia and Albania at the Corradino Pavilion.

The winner of the group will then play in Group 5 of the qualifying round in programme between March 19 and 22. The group includes Serbia, FYR Macedonia and hosts Belgium. Besides the winners, the best two runner-ups in the preliminary round will also reach the qualifying round.

Last year, Malta met both Greece and Albania in the FIFA Futsal World Cup qualifiers, losing both games 1-2. In 2007, Malta met Georgia in the UEFA European Championship, beating them 5-2.

(taken from

Monday, September 08, 2008

Trampi U L-Ewwel Friendly

Wara l-ewwel friendly taghna, nista nara li l-bidliet li qedin nahdmu ghalihom huma fil-verita bidliet mhux facli kemm ghalija bhala kowc u wisq anqas ghal players tieghi. Dan hu ezatt il-process li nixtieq indahhal lit-tim taghna fieh, u hu propju dak li nixtieq inwassal ghand il-players. Ebda sports mhu straight forward u facli u kull league huwa ghat-tela. Allura nista nghid li jien kuntent bl-ewwel friendly taghna ghax swiet biex tohrog numru ta' difetti fit-tim taghna, li issa lkoll rajna u nistaw nahdmu fuqhom. Hargu wkoll pero, numru ta' pregji u numru ta' bidliet mhux mistennija f' tant qasir zmien.

Nixtieq nghid prosit kbira lil-players kollha ta' kemm qed jahdmu bis-sejreta.

Ejja ha niehdu gost nilghabu season iehor fil-futsal. Mhux kull tim jibda s-sitt sena tieghu fil-league tal-futsal hbieb.

Renzo Kerr Cumbo